What are the demographics of Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, pop. 1,034?
Nov 21st, 2005 by Tom Johnson

Cartography blog tips us to a valuable site when quick hits are
needed on a community, a SMALL place, in the U.S. or Canada. 
Check out ePodunk

“ePodunk is a site that
focuses on place and provides information on 25,000 communities in the
U. S. The site also contains a number of interesting maps, including
maps of the Katrina diaspora, ethnic origin, fastest growing counties
and others. There is also a Canadian version of the site, focusing on
Canadian places, but it, sadly, does not seem to have any maps.”

Growth opportunity (of the intellectual sort) for journalists
Nov 18th, 2005 by Tom Johnson

With newspapers — and news magazine — cutting staff on
an almost weekly basis, some of us in journalism are going to have to
reinvent ourselves.  One of our tenents of Analytic Journalism is
simulation modeling, a methodology and analytic tool we believe will be
to the social sciences in the 21st century (and journalism IS a social
science) what quantum physics was to the hard sciences in the
20th. So here's an interesting opportunity for someone.

“> The Department of Mathematics as the University of California, Los

> Angeles is soliciting applications for a postdoctoral fellowship

> position in Mathematical and Computational Social Science.  The

> qualified applicant will work in the UC Mathematical and Simulation

> Modeling of Crime Group (UCMaSC), a collaboration between the UCLA

> Department of Mathematics, UCLA Department of Anthropology, UC

> Irvine Department of Criminology, Law and Society and the Los

> Angeles Police Department to study the dynamics of crime hot spot

> formation.  The research will center on (1) development of formal

> models applicable to the study of interacting particle systems, or

> multi-agent systems, (2) simulation of these systems and (3)

> directed empirical testing of models using contemporary crime data

> from Los Angeles and other Southern Californian cities.


> The initial appointment is for one year, with possible renewal for

> up to three years.  For information regarding the UCMaSC Group visit




> DUTIES: Work closely with an interdisciplinary team of

> mathematicians, social scientists and law enforcement officials to

> develop new mathematical and computational methodologies for

> understanding crime hot spot formation, diffusion and dissipation.

> Responsibilities include teaching one course in the Department of

> Mathematics per year, publication and presentation of research

> results.


> REQUIRED: A recent Ph.D. in Mathematics, Physics or a related

> field.  The qualified applicant is expected to have research

> experience in one or more areas that would be relevant to the study

> of interacting particle/multi-agent systems including, but not

> limited to, mathematical and statistical physics, complex systems,

> and partial differential equations modeling.  The applicant is also

> required to have advanced competency in one or more programming

> languages/environments (e.g., C++, Java, Matlab).


> Qualified candidates should e-mail a cover let, CV and the phone

> numbers, e-mail addresses, and postal addresses of three

> individuals who can provide recommendation to:


> Dr. P. Jeffrey Brantingham

> Department of Anthropology

> 341 Haines Hall

> University of California, Los Angeles

> Los Angeles, CA 90095″

Yes, Virginia, methodology DOES matter
Nov 10th, 2005 by JTJ

A piece on calling the elections in Detroit:

MAKING A FORECAST: A secret formula helps producer call the election right



November 10, 2005

What was a viewer to believe?

As polls closed Tuesday, WDIV-TV (Channel 4) declared Freman Hendrix winner of Detroit's mayoral race by 10 percentage points.

WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) showed Hendrix ahead by 4 percentage points, statistically too close to call.

But WJBK-TV (Channel 2) got it right, declaring just after 9 p.m. that
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was ahead, 52% to 48%, which turned out to be
almost exactly the final 53%-47% outcome declared many hours later.

And it was vote analyst Tim Kiska who nailed it for WJBK, and for WWJ-AM radio, using counts from 28 of 620 Detroit precincts.

Kiska did it with help from Detroit City Clerk Jackie Currie. She
allowed a crew that Kiska assembled to collect the precinct tallies
shortly after the polls closed at 8 p.m.

Using what he calls a secret formula, Kiska calculated how those 28 precincts would predict the result citywide.

His formula also assumed that absentee voters chose Hendrix over Kilpatrick by a 2-1 ratio.

That's different from the methods of pollsters who got it wrong
Tuesday, Steve Mitchell for WDIV and EPIC/MRA's Ed Sarpolus for WXYZ
and the Free Press. Both men used telephone polls, calling people at
home during the day and evening and asking how they voted.

It's a more standard method of election-day polling, but Tuesday proved treacherous.

Kiska, a former reporter for the Free Press and Detroit News, has done
such election-day predictions since 1974, but said he was nervous

“Every time I go into one of these, my nightmare is I might get it
wrong,” said Kiska, a WWJ producer. “I had a bad feeling about this
going in. I thought there was going to be a Titanic hitting an iceberg
and hoping it wouldn't be me.”

Kiska said he especially felt sorry for his friend Mitchell.

Mitchell said he's been one of the state's most accurate political
pollsters over 20 years, but said his Tuesday survey of 800 voters
turned out to be a bad sample.

He said polling is inherently risky, and that even well-conducted polls
can be wrong one out of 20 times. “I hit number 20 this time.”

For Sarpolus, it's the second Detroit mayoral race that confounded his
polls. He was the only major pollster in 2001 who indicated Gil Hill
would defeat Kilpatrick.

Sarpolus said the pressure to get poll results on the air quickly made
it impossible to adjust his results as real vote totals were made
public during the late evening.

Of Kiska, Sarpolus said: “You have to give him credit. … But you have to assume all city clerks are willing to cooperate.”

Contact CHRIS CHRISTOFF at 517-372-8660 or

More churning in the mapping API world
Nov 4th, 2005 by JTJ

announcement from Yahoo Maps this week.  Seems as though Google,
Yahoo and Amazon (with it's A9 entry) are starting to look like three
NASCAR competitors on the backstretch of the lap before the finish
line.  Here's the latest from Yahoo:


November 02, 2005

Announcing New Maps APIs

In June of this year, we gave developers the ability to overlay
geographic data on a Yahoo! Map. Since then, we've seen a lot of
terrific maps mash-ups. But you wanted more. You wanted the ability to
embed Yahoo! Maps on your own Web site. You wanted to programmatically
convert addresses into geocoded longitude/latitude pairs. You wanted
more data feeds, such as highway traffic and local data, to plot on a
map. But most importantly, you wanted a user experience that's better
than any online mapping product out there.

Today we build on the success of the Simple Maps API
by adding several new APIs for Yahoo! Maps. These products enable
developers to use Yahoo! Maps in exciting new ways — including
embedding maps on your Web site.

With this release, we are providing:

Of course, the Simple Maps API
we released in June is still there, giving developers and
non-developers the ability to plot locations on Yahoo! Maps with no
programming and no rate limits.

We're giddy with excitement about this release, and we can't wait to
see how you use the new APIs. We know there's lot to digest here, so if
you have questions, feedback, or just want to show off what you've
done, please join us in the yws-maps group.

Jeffrey McManus

Director, Yahoo! Developer Network

Digital detectives
Nov 3rd, 2005 by JTJ

those interested in the forensic process — and in this case, computer
forensics — be sure to check out this fine, fine piece of digital
detective work by Mark Russinovich, a computer security expert with
Sysinternals.  He
discovered evidence of a “rootkit” on his Windows PC.

We don't think journalists need to know how to DO this kind of
deep-diving probing, but  we should be aware that it is possible
and, broadly speaking, the methods if only to know the appropriate
search terms.

Through heroic forensic work,
he traced the code to First 4 Internet, a British provider of
copy-restriction technology that has a deal with Sony to put digital
rights management on its CDs. It turns out Russinovich was infected
with the software when he played the Sony BMG CD
Get Right With the Man by the Van Zant brothers.

Here's WIRED Magazine's take on the story, “The Cover-Up Is the Crime

And here's what Dan Gillmor had to say about it, with additional links.

We should be talking to — and learning from — each other
Nov 3rd, 2005 by JTJ

Another example of how journalists can learn from other disciplines comes to the surface in the form of an LA Press Club meeting Nov. 9.

Digging deep: What reporters can learn from and about private investigators,” is the topic, and the panel of speakers, though large, seems rich with potential.

Here at the IAJ we also value the well done blog, “PI News Link,” run by Tamara Thompson.  Check it out; enter it in your blog harvester.

Managing the news data flow
Nov 2nd, 2005 by Tom Johnson

We're all awash in data, so finding the significant bits and bytes that can lead to information is a maddening process.

Jon Burke, writing in the
November 2, 2005 edition of

MIT's Technology Review, presents some web-based technological options.  See
Finding Signals in the Noise.”

We were impressed by a new product/site called “Memeorandum,” but Burke points out a handful of alternatives.


“Few would dispute that we live in an age of
information overload. In the last few years alone, blogs have increased
the torrent of information each day to unmanageable levels.  This
would explain, then, why a corresponding torrent of startups has
surfaced recently to help us filter, manage, and control this flood of
information. Some rely on insightful algorithms that understand
popularity to filter the news, while others rely on the preferences of

For example, Digg
is a San Francisco startup that ranks news items by letting people
choose which stories they like. It just landed $2.8 million in venture
capital from Omidyar Network, former Netscape founder Marc Andreessen,
and Greylock Partners. We also understand that a comparable site — Memeorandum — may close a round of financing shortly.

The concept of making users prioritize or create hierarchies for news is not new — Slashdot
has been doing it since 1997. But the latest generation of sites like
Digg and Memeorandum are showing that user-prioritized news is, indeed,
a powerful and easy way to drive traffic — in some cases to a site
created by a single employee with a lone server.”

Simulated Journalism? Not exactly, but a topic of relevance
Nov 1st, 2005 by Tom Johnson

modeling is one of the four cornerstone areas of interest to the
IAJ.  It's a relatively new, and largely unknown, field that can
be of great advantage to journalists if we can take the time to learn
how it works and then how we can apply it to our field.  The best
resource to date for journalists is the J-Lab, ( at the University of Maryland.

But today along comes this announcement of a rich issue of the Journal
of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
.  It's filled with
deep thinking and application.

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
( published issue 4 of Volume 8 on 31
October 2005.

JASSS is an electronic, refereed journal devoted
to the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of
computer simulation.   It is freely available, with no


This issue is our largest
ever, with 12 peer-reviewed articles, eight of them forming a special
section on Epistemological Perspectives, edited by Ulrich Frank and
Klaus Troitzsch.

If you would like to volunteer as a referee and have
published at least one refereed article in the academic literature, you
may do so by completing the form at


Peer-reviewed Articles

How Can Social Networks Ever Become Complex? Modelling the Emergence of Complex Networks from Local Social Exchanges
   by  Josep M. Pujol, Andreas Flache, Jordi Delgado and Ramon Sanguesa

Violence and Revenge in Egalitarian Societies

   by  Stephen Younger

Influence of Local Information on Social Simulations in Small-World Network Models

   by  Chung-Yuan Huang, Chuen-Tsai Sun and Hsun-Cheng Lin

It Pays to Be Popular: a Study of Civilian Assistance and Guerrilla Warfare

   by  Scott Wheeler

Special Section on Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation

   by  Ulrich Frank and Klaus G. Troitzsch

Towards Good Social Science
   by  Scott Moss and Bruce Edmonds


A Framework for Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
   by  Joerg Becker, Bjoern Niehaves and Karsten Klose


What is the Truth of Simulation?
   by  Alex Schmid

Logic of the Method of Agent-Based Simulation in the Social
Sciences:  Empirical and Intentional Adequacy of Computer
   by  Nuno David, Jaime Simao Sichman and Helder Coelho

Validation of Simulation: Patterns in the Social and Natural Sciences

   by  Guenter Kueppers and Johannes Lenhard

Stylised Facts and the Contribution of Simulation  to the Economic Analysis of Budgeting

   by  Bernd-O. Heine, Matthias Meyer and Oliver Strangfeld

Does Empirical Embeddedness Matter? Methodological Issues on Agent-Based Models for Analytical Social Science

   by  Riccardo Boero and Flaminio Squazzoni

Caffe Nero: the Evaluation of Social Simulation
   by  Petra Ahrweiler and Nigel Gilbert


Book Reviews    (Review editor: Edmund Chattoe)

Edmund Chattoe reviews:
       Routines of Decision Making by Betsch, Tilmann and Haberstroh, Susanne (eds.)



The new issue can be accessed through the JASSS home page: <>.

The next issue will be published at the end of January 2006.

Submissions are welcome: see


Editor: Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey, UK
Forum Editor: Klaus G. Troitzsch, Koblenz-Landau University, Germany
Review Editor: Edmund Chattoe, University of Oxford, UK


Sent from the EPRESS journal management system,
Niche professsions doing the same thing journalists do
Oct 31st, 2005 by Tom Johnson

premise of the IAJ is to discover find how other professions and academic
disciplines do what we do as journalists.  That is, how do they
find and analyze data and then present the results of that

We recently subscribed (it's free) to Law Technology News.  It's no surprise that the data management needs of large law offices are
much the same as those of journalism organizations.  Lawyers
pretty much follow the RRAW-P process, too.  So topics like 
Calendaring, Case Management, Contact Management, Document Management,  Electronic Data Discovery (EDD)
are right up our alley.

Law Technology News doesn't do much journalism, in fact it pretty much
reprints press releases.  But it does provide many, many pointers
to products and methods related to journalism.  Give it a look.
as well.

In the tradition of William Playfair and Charles Joseph Minard….
Oct 26th, 2005 by Tom Johnson

Ericson of the NYTimes has delivered yet again a piece of superb
infographics.  This one, sadly, illustrates the 2000+ U.S. deaths
in Iraq.  (See “Deaths in Iraq by Month” in the 26 Oct. 2005 story “
2,000 Dead: As Iraq Tours Stretch On, a Grim Mark“)

William Playfair
(1759-1823) was the
Scottish engineer and political economist who did the ground-breaking work in visual statistics.  Charles Joseph Minard, in the mid-nineteenth century, produced the classic infographic of
Napoleon's March to (and retreat from) Moscow.  Minard's great
work is notable for displaying multiple data sets on a timeline as
well as their geographical relationships.

Ericson has done something similar by showing the combat deaths in Iraq
from the March 2003 invasion until mid-Oct. 2005 as the occupation
continues.  Ericson shows not just the numbers, but the branch of
service, the locations of the deaths and the causes of death (i.e.
explosive devices, vehicle or plane crashes, etc.).

It's a brilliant piece of work that also demonstrates the added value
that very good journalists and their editors can bring to what should
be public discussion.  But this kind of work doesn't happen
overnight, nor is it cheap to do.  (Are you listening
Knight-Ridder, Gannett, et al.?)

We would only hope that someone at the Times would work to develop a
flash program/presentation that would, in a relatively automatic
mannter, constantly update this important informational display.

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