"2009 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge Winners Announced"
February 20th, 2010 by analyticjournalism

Press Release 10-028
2009 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge Winners Announced
Winning entries appear in the Feb. 19 issue of Science
“Branching Morphogenesis” aims to reveal–through abstraction–the unseen beauty and dynamic relationships that exist between endothelial cells and their surrounding extracellular microenvironment. Movies of networking endothelial cells cultured on a 3-D matrix were analyzed to generate computational tools that simulate this process. Next, large-scale templates from simulations were overlaid with more than 75,000 inter-connected zipties.
Credit: Peter Lloyd Jones, Andrew Lucia, and Jenny E. Sabin, University of Pennsylvania's Sabin + Jones Lab Studio
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Scanning electron micrograph of tiny plastic fingers around a sphere.
Tiny plastic fingers, each with a diameter 1/500th of a human hair, assemble around and hold a tiny sphere. The image brings to mind global efforts to promote the sustainability of the planet. The image was produced with a scanning electronic microscope and was digitally enhanced for color.

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